
Salter, F. K. (2022). Anglo identity in multicultural Australia. Talk given at the Round Table on Western Civilisation, New South Wales Parliament House, 20 September. https://britishaustraliancommunity.com.au/video-frank-salter-on-anglo-identity-in-multicultural-australia/
Salter, F. K. (2022). Multiculturalism as a majority Anglo strategy. Talk given to the British Australian Community, Melbourne, 2 July, https://britishaustraliancommunity.com.au/frank-salters-multicultural-strategy-for-majorities/
Salter, F. K. (2021). In defence of parental love (Published as: The undermining of parental love and authority). Quadrant, July-August: 54-63. https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2021/07-08/the-undermining-of-parental-love-and-authority/  (Paywall)
Salter, F. K. (2020). Sir Henry Parkes’s liberal-ethnic nationalism, Sydney Trads: Weblog of the Sydney Traditionalist Forum, https://sydneytrads.com/2020/12/18/sir-henry-parkess-liberal-ethnic-nationalism/
Salter, F. K. (2019). The ethnic predicaments of the shrinking white majority [part 1]. Quadrant. 24 September, https://quadrant.org.au/magazine/2019/09/the-ethnic-predicaments-of-the-shrinking-white-majority/ (Paywall)
Salter, F. K. (2019). The ethnic predicaments of the shrinking white majority [part 2]. SydneyTrads.com. 2 December, https://sydneytrads.com/2019/12/02/the-ethnic-predicaments-of-the-shrinking-white-majority/
Salter, F. K. (2018). The biosocial study of ethnicity. The Oxford handbook of evolution, biology, and society. R. L. Hopcroft. New York, Oxford University Press: 543-568. Selected pages available at:
Salter, F. K. (2017). Strategic considerations for Anglo-Australian identitarians, parts I and II. Sydney Trads 2017 symposium II, December.
Welcome to the Social Technologies website.

Social Technologies Pty Ltd consults to leaders in business,  politics and community affairs.

What is different about the company?

Short answer:  The radically interdisciplinary field of biosocial science.

Longer answer The Firm’s principal investigator, Dr. Frank Salter, is a specialist at applying behavioural biology to analyse social behaviour in a range of settings.  He provides that knowledge to business and government.

Related knowledge consists of:

  1. • specialised theory concerning universals of human behaviour, including the distribution of emotions and authority in groups and hierarchies; and
  2. • observational methods for assessing behaviour in informal and organisational environments.


Frank is uniquely equipped with this knowledge. His text, Emotions in Command: Biology, Bureaucracy, and Cultural Evolution, originally published in 1995 by Oxford University Press, pioneered the field of organisational ethology.

Subsequent research, teaching and publications (see Publications+Presentations) have broadened in scope to include diversity issues bearing on interpersonal relations between the sexes as well as ethnic conflict and solidarity.

This knowledge also bears on policy formulation and ethics. Frank is an academic with over twenty years of experience in Europe and the United States in the overlapping fields of politics and public administration. He provides analysis, coaching and teaching calibrated to the needs of workplaces.