by Dr. Frank Salter.
Books (* peer reviewed)
2023 Anglophobia: The unrecognised hatred. Sydney, Social Technologies/Create Space. (Co-authored by Harry Richardson.)
2018 The Aboriginal question: Australian racial politics of indigenous recognition and Anglo de-recognition. Collected essays II, Sydney, Social Technologies/Create Space.
2016/2014 The war on human nature in Australia’s political culture: Collected essays. Sydney, Social Technologies/Create Space.
*2007 On genetic interests. Family, ethnicity, and humanity in an age of mass migration. Republished with a new introduction by Transaction Publishers. Originally published by Peter Lang Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2003.
*2008 Emotions in command. Biology, bureaucracy and cultural evolution. Republished with a new introduction by Transaction Publishers. Originally published by Oxford University Press Science Publications as Emotions in Command: A naturalistic study of institutional dominance, 1995.
Papers and chapters (* peer reviewed)
*2018 The biosocial study of ethnicity. The Oxford handbook of evolution, biology, and society. R. L. Hopcroft (editor). New York, Oxford University Press: 543-568 [selected pages available at].
*2015 Sex and leadership: Interpreting competitive and affiliative facial displays based on workplace status. International Public Management Journal 18(2): 190-208. [Third author with P. A. Stewart and M. Mehu.]
2015 Eugenics, ready or not. Part I. Quadrant 59(5): 41-51.
2015 Eugenics, ready or not. Part II: Can government eugenics be justified? Quadrant 59(6): 56-62.
2014 Hiram Caton (1936-2010): Pioneer of Australian biosocial science (Chapter 6). The war against human nature in Australian social sciences. F. K. Salter. Sydney, Social Technologies (kindle edition).
2014 The misguided case for indigenous recognition in the Constitution. Part III: The ethnic bias of the Expert Panel. Quadrant 58(3): 56-64.
2014 The misguided case for indigenous recognition in the Constitution. Part II: Race and the culture wars. Quadrant 58(1): 32-40.
2013 The misguided case for indigenous recognition in the Constitution. Part I: The muddled debate over racial discrimination. Quadrant 57(12): 28-40.
*2013 J. P. Rushton’s theory of ethnic nepotism. Personality and Individual Differences, 55: 256-60. [1st author with Henry Harpending].
2013 The humanitarian costs of Western multiculturalism. Materials of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum 2012. Baku, pp. 518-524,
2012 The war against human nature III-2: Australia and the national question, part II: Race and the nation in the universities. Quadrant 56(11), 36-44.
2012 The war against human nature III: Race and the nation in the media. Quadrant 56(10): 66-73.
2012 The war against human nature in the social sciences II: Gender studies. Quadrant 56(7-8): 34-49.
2012 The war against human nature in the social sciences. Quadrant 56(6).
*2010 The face as a focus of political communication: Evolutionary perspectives, experimental methods, and the ethological approach. In Sourcebook for political communication research: Methods, measures, and analytical techniques. Edited by E. P. Bucy and R. L. Holbert, Routledge: 165-193. [2nd author with P. A. Stewart and M. Mehu.]
*2009 Taking leaders at face value: Ethology and the analysis of televised leader display. Politics and the Life Sciences 28(1): 48-74.[2nd author with P. A. Stewart and M. Mehu.]
*2008 Evolutionary analyses of ethnic solidarity: An overview, People and Place, 16 (2), 15-25.
*2008 Westermarck’s altruism: Charity releasers, moral emotions, and the welfare ethic, Politics and the Life Sciences, 27 (2), 28-46.
*2008 Ethnicity and indoctrination for violence: The efficiency of producing terrorists, in Wayne McCormack (ed.), Values and violence: Intangible aspects of terrorism. New York, Oxford University Press, 51-61.
*2008 Class mobility, environment, and genes: A Darwinian conflict analysis, in Heinz-Jürgen Niedenzu, Tamás Meleghy, and Peter Meyer (eds.), The new evolutionary social science: Human nature, social behavior, and social change. Boulder, Colorado, Paradigm.
*2008 Evolutionary analyses of ethnic solidarity: An overview, People and Place, 16 (2), 15-25.
*2008 Misunderstandings of kin selection and the delay in quantifying ethnic kinship, Mankind Quarterly, 48 (3), 311-44.
*2007 Ethnic nepotism as heuristic: Risky transactions and public altruism. In R. I. M. Dunbar and L. Barrett (eds.), Handbook of evolutionary psychology. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 541-51.
2006 The post-traumatic syndrome and its influence on the next generation: Psychological and anthropological characteristics of offspring born to former prisoners of war [in Russian]. In M. Butovskaya (ed.), Aggression and peaceful coexistence: General mechanisms controlling social tension in humans. Moscow, Scientific World: 208-230. [Co-authored with M. Butovskaya and colleagues.]
*2005 Sex differences in negotiating with powerful males: An ethological analysis of approaches to nightclub doormen. Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective 16(3): 306-21. [First author with K. Grammer and A. Rikowski]
*2004 Book review essay: Is ethnic globalism adaptive for Americans? (Paul H. Rubin, Darwinian politics: The evolutionary origin of freedom. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002). Population and Environment 25(5): 501-27.
*2004 Introduction: The symposium target paper in broader context. In F. K. Salter (ed.), Welfare, ethnicity, and altruism. New data and evolutionary theory. London, Frank Cass: 3-24.
*2004 Ethnic diversity, foreign aid, economic growth, social stability, and population policy: A perspective on W. Masters and M. McMillan’s findings. In F. K. Salter (ed.), Welfare, ethnicity, and altruism. New data and evolutionary theory. London, Frank Cass: 148-71.
*2004 The evolutionary deficit in mainstream political theory of welfare and ethnicity. In F. K. Salter (ed.), Welfare, ethnicity, and altruism. New data and evolutionary theory. London, Frank Cass: 308-29.
*2002 Estimating ethnic genetic interests: Is it adaptive to resist replacement migration? Population and Environment 24(2): 111-40.
*2002 From Mafia to freedom fighters: Questions raised by ethology and sociobiology. In F. K. Salter (ed.), Risky Transactions. Kinship, Ethnicity, and Trust. Oxford and New York, Berghahn: 3-17.
*2002 Ethnic nepotism as a two-edged sword: The risk-mitigating role of ethnicity among mafiosi, nationalist fighters, middleman, and dissidents. In F. K. Salter (ed.), Risky transactions. Kinship, ethnicity, and trust. Oxford and New York, Berghahn: 243-89.
*2002 Effects of sex, status, and ethnic similarity on willingness to donate to beggars: A questionnaire study, Anthropologie, 40 (1), 119-28. [Third author with M. Butovskaya and I. Diakonov.]
*2001 A defense and an extension of Pierre van den Berghe’s theory of ethnic nepotism. In P. James and D. Goetze (eds.), Evolutionary theory and ethnic conflict. Westport, Connecticut, Praeger: 39-70.
*2000 Urban begging and ethnic nepotism in Russia: An ethological pilot study. Human Nature 11(2): 157-82. [Second author with M. Butovskaya, I. Diakonov, and A. Smirnov]
*1998 Indoctrination as institutionalized persuasion: Its limited variability and cross-cultural evolution. In I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt and F. K. Salter (eds.), Indoctrinability, ideology, and warfare: Evolutionary perspectives, pp. 421-52. Oxford and Providence Berghahn: 421-52.
*1998 Urban Rioters and Tribal Warriors: The Madding Crowd, Rationality, and Justice. In S. S. Nagel (ed.), Research in public policy analysis and management. Stamford, Connecticut, JAI Press. 9:185-209. [First author with K. Kruck and O. Adang]
*1996 Carrier females and sender males: An evolutionary hypothesis linking female attractiveness, family resemblance, and paternity confidence. Ethology and Sociobiology, 17, 211-20.
*1996 “Drawn by light”: Visual recording methods in biopolitics. In A. Somit and S. A. Peterson (eds.), Research in biopolitics IV. JAI Press, Greenwich, CN pp. 23-59.
*1994 The evolution of races, populations, and cultures. In The illustrated history of humankind, (ed. G. Burenhult), pp. 17-27. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History/Harper Collins, San Francisco. [Second author with W. Schiefenhövel]
1994 Chapter 10: The future of humankind. In G. Burenhult (ed.), The illustrated history of humankind, pp. 213-226. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History/Harper Collins, San Francisco. [First author with W. Schiefenhövel and G. Burenhult]
*1991 Assessing stress in the workplace: An interdisciplinary review and practical guide. Journal of Occupational Health and Safety – Australian and New Zealand (August): 311-18.
1986 Biosocial thought experiments concerning the future of the universe. Proceedings of the Russellian Society 11: 48-81.
Edited books (* peer reviewed)
*2004 Welfare, ethnicity, and altruism: New data and evolutionary theory, Frank Cass, London.
*2002 Risky transactions. Trust, kinship, and ethnicity. Berghahn, Oxford and New York.
2001 Irenäus Eibl-Eibesfeldt: Zu Person und Werk. Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang Verlag. [second editor with C. Sütterlin.]
*2001 Ethnic conflict and indoctrination: Altruism and identity in evolutionary perspective, Berghahn, Oxford and New York. [Edited with I. Eibl-Eibesfeldt.] Originally published as Indoctrinability, ideology, and warfare: Evolutionary perspectives. Berghahn, 1998.
*1993 The bibliography of human behavior, Greenwood Press, New York [second editor with H.P. Caton and J.M.G. van der Dennen].
Translated publications
2003 Ethnic genetic interests and biopolitics. Philosophy of Science (Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Novosibirsk) 4(19): 84-122. (Russian translation of F. Salter [2002], ‘Estimating ethnic genetic interests: Is it adaptive to resist replacement migration?’, Population and Environment 24(2): 111-40. Translated by Elena A. Lebedeva, edited by Juri Plusnin).
2009 Sections of On Genetic Interests in Polish. Translated by Tadeusz Korzeniewski (
Reviews, articles, comments (* peer reviewed)
2014 The Pearson factor. Quadrant Online.
2014 Section 18C, multiculturalism and power. Quadrant Online.
2014 What diplomats should know about multiculturalism. Guest Webinar lecture presented to the Diplomatic Forum, London Academy of Diplomacy, University of East Anglia, London, 11th February.
2014 Multiculturalism: Divide and concur. Quadrant Online. 16 April.
2014 Ethnocentrism and racial discrimination: The case against Barack Obama. Quadrant 58(7): 28-31.
2014 ‘Recognise’ the retreat, Quadrant Online. 15 September.
2013 Tribes, diversity, and evolution: Why multi-culturalism needs inter-culturalism. Invited speech delivered at the SIETAR Europa Congress. Tallinn, Estonia, September.
2013 The humanitarian costs of Western multiculturalism. Materials of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum 2012. Baku, 518-524, Video:
2013 National identity: A force for sustainable diversity and liberty in the postmodern era. Baku International Humanitarian Forum. Baku, 1 Nov. 2013. Video:, 1:12:50 to 1:25:10
2013 Interview: Azerbaijan does not belong to eastern or western Eurasia: News.Az. Baku. 14 February.
*2008 Genes and homogeneous trading groups: A comment on Janet Landa’s target paper, Journal of Bioeconomics, 10, 303-06.
*2007 Proximate and Ultimate Utilities: A rejoinder to Rubin. Journal of Bioeconomics 9(1): 69-74.
2003 Letter: Imagining Iraq after the war. Business Week, 21 April, p. 6.
*2002 Invited commentary, on P. Wiessner, The vines of complexity: Egalitarian structures and the institutionalization of inequality among the Enga. Current Anthropology 43(2): 260-61.
2000 Edward Westermarck: An overlooked evolutionary social scientist. Human Ethology Bulletin 15(2): 11-16.
2000 Essay/review: Is MacDonald a scholar? Human Ethology Bulletin 15(3): 16-22.
1996 Sociology as alchemy [review of The concise Oxford dictionary of sociology, 1994]. Skeptic, 4, 50-59.
1996 Review of J. P. Rushton, 1994, Race, evolution, and behavior: A life history perspective. Human Ethology Newsletter, 11, 18-20.
*1996 Review of A. Somit and J. Losco (eds.), Human nature and politics, JAI Press, Greenwich, CT. Politics and the Life Sciences, 15, 361-3.
1996 Political science. National Review, 48, 45-7, 60.
1996 Correspondence: Respect and Goffman. ASCAP Newsletter, 9, 2-3.
1995 Review of J.H. Beckstrom, 1993, Darwinism applied, Praeger, Westport CT. Human Ethology Newsletter, 10, 9-12.
*1995 Review of J.G. Bernhard and K. Glantz, 1992, Staying human in the organization, Praeger, Westport, CT. Politics and the Life Sciences, 14, 289-90.
*1995 Review of A. Maryanski and J.H. Turner, 1992, The social cage, Stanford UP. Politics and the Life Sciences, 14, 118-21.
*1995 Redeeming Medieval man: Commentary on K. MacDonald, The establishment and maintenance of socially imposed monogamy in Western Europe. Politics and the Life Sciences, 14, 31-3.
*1995 Comments on the naturalistic fallacy, biology and politics. Social Science Information, 34, 333-345.
1994 Comments on the naturalistic fallacy, science and politics. European Sociobiological Society Newsletter, 17-26.
1991 Ethology and criminal intelligence: Potential applications. Australian Intelligence Journal (Autumn): pp.8, 14.
1984 Will man survive the evolution of technology?. The Australian 22 May.
*1984 Review of Joseph Lopreato’s Human nature and biocultural evolution. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology 21(3): 501-3.
Talks and Special Lectures (chronological order)
1989 Discussant, panel on observational methods in political science. American Political Science Association, Atlanta, 15-21 August.
1994 Sex differences in patrons’ appeasement of threatening doormen. Paper presented with K. Grammer at the 12th Congress of the International Society for Human Ethology, Toronto, 2-7 August.
1994 Urban rioters and tribal warriors: A self-organizing phenomenon. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of the International Political Science Association, Berlin, 21-25 August.
1995 Indoctrination as institutionalized persuasion. Further evidence that political technologies are constrained by species-typical behaviour. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Ideology, Warfare, and Indoctrinability, Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, Germany, 9-13 January.
1996 Sex differences in cross-racial mate choice in the U.S.: An evolutionary model. Talk delivered at the Annual Meeting of the European Sociobiological Society, Alfred University, New York State, U.S.A., 22-25 July.
1996 Beyond analogy: Organizing as the institutionalization of primordial patterns of social manipulation. Talk presented at the Conference on Biopolitics, held jointly by the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences and the Biology Section of the International Political Science Association, at Alfred University, New York State, 25-27 July.
1996 Affiliative appeals in U.S. ethnic publications. An evolutionary analysis. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, 31 August-2 September.
1996 An evolutionary approach to understanding the formation of groups for risky transactions. Talk presented to the Collegium Budapest, Institute for Advanced Study, 25 April.
1996 Prey without predators: Oppressive regimes select for group ties socially preadapted to exploit risky niches. Paper presented at the Conference on Risky Transactions, Kinship, and Ethnicity, held at the Werner Reimer Foundation, Bad Homburg, 23-25 September.
1998 The welfare state versus ethnic pluralism: Ethological theory, research program, and invitation to collaborate. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Sociobiology Society, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, 31 May to 4 June.
1998 Begging, familial releasers, and the welfare ethic: An application of Westermarck’s comparative method. Plenary paper presented at the International Westermarck Symposium on Marriage, Morality and Emotions: Updating Edward Westermarck, Helsinki, Finland, 19-22 November.
1999 The Symposium target paper and a commentary on it. Paper presented at the international symposium on Welfare, Ethnicity, & Altruism: Bringing in Evolutionary Theory, held at the Werner Reimers Foundation, Bad Homburg, Germany, 10-13 February.
2000 Précis of Emotions in command. A naturalistic study of institutional dominance. Talk presented at the International Conference on Hierarchy and Power in the History of Civilization, Russian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Civilizational and Regional Studies, Moscow, 15-20 June.
2000 Emotions in command. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Toronto, 4-9 August.
2000 The ethnic group as a genetic interest: Concepts and implications. Talk presented at the 96th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Research Committee number 12 Biology and Politics), Washington D.C., 31 August-3 September.
2000 The universals of command: Biological constraints on institutional structures. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, Washington D.C., 31 August-3 September.
2001 Is alcohol consumption evolutionarily stable? The middle class strategy. Talk presented at the 16th Conference of the International Commission for the Anthropology of Food, Seewiesen, Germany, 25-29 May.
2001 Begging research in Germany and Eastern Europe 1998-2001. Talk presented at the 27th International Ethological Conference, University of Tübingen, Germany, 22-29 August.
2002 Estimating ethnic genetic interest. Paper presented at the 16th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Montreal, Canada, 7-10, August.
2002 Modelling America’s ethnic hierarchy: Differential ethnic nepotism and elite resources. Talk presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, Montreal, Canada, 11-14 August.
2002 Political ethology. Lecture delivered at the second summer school on human ethology, Russian Academic of Sciences, Pushchino, Russia, 29 June-7 July.
2003 Is altruism weeded-out by political systems? Invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the German Evolutionary Psychology Group MVE) at Seewiesen, Germany, 7 March.
2003 Human nature and politics. Lectures delivered at Summer Schools on Human Ethology, held at the University of Debrecen, Hungary, Charles University, Prague, and the University of Poznan, Poland, 10-20 June.
2003 Outline of On Genetic Interests. Lecture delivered at the 2nd Summer School on Human Ethology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, 8-11 September 2003.
2004 HBES Berlin. Richard Dawkins’ misunderstanding of kin selection and the delay in quantifying ethnic kinship. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society, Free University Berlin, 21-25 July.
2004 The successful application of the ethological theory of ethnic nepotism in contemporary societies. Talk presented at the Biennal Meeting of the International Society for Human Ethology, Ghent, Belgium, 26-30 July.
2004 Trauma down the generations: Prolonged distress in prisoners of war and its consequences for offspring. Paper presented at the 17th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Human Ethology, Ghent, Belgium. [co-author with M. Butovskaya and colleagues].
2005 Misunderstanding of Kin Selection and the Delay in Quantifying Ethnic Kinship. Lecture delivered at the 3rd Summer School on Human Ethology, Charles University, Prague, 21-22 May.
2006 Ethological Aspects of Command. Lecture delivered at the Fourth Summer School on Human Ethology, Charles University, Prague, 13-14 May.
2006 Sociobiology and class: A Darwinian-conflict theory of multi-generational socio-economic mobility in meritocratic societies. Talk presented at the international conference on “The evolution of human sociality” at the University of Innsbruck, Department of Sociology, 8-10 June.
2006 Towards the ethology of class mobility in competitive societies. Talk given at the Biennial Congress of the International Society for Human Ethology, Wayne State University, Detroit, 30 July to 3 August 2006.
2006 On genetic interests: Family and ethnicity. The state of the art. Talk given at the international conference, Trans-Cultural Universals II: Sexuality, Reproduction and Kinship, Hanse Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst, Germany, 27-30 September.
2006 Ethological aspects of command hierarchies. Guest lecture presented at the Department of Psychology, University of Portsmouth, U.K., 11 October.
2007 Ethnicity and indoctrination for violence: The efficiency of producing terrorists. Paper presented at the Conference on Values and Violence: Intangible Aspects of Terrorism, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1-2 March.
2007 Political ethology: Social technologies. Lecture delivered at the Summer School on Human Ethology, July 2007, hosted by the International Society for human Ethology, Andechs, Germany.
2008 Ethological aspects of ethnicity. Series of three lectures delivered at the Sixth Summer School on Human Ethology, Charles University, Prague, 3-4 May.
2008 Society in the galactic environment: Evolutionary cosmology. Lecture delivered at the Sixth Summer School on Human Ethology, Charles University, Prague, 3-4 May.
2010 Human Relations in Work Organizations: An Ethological Perspective.Lecture delivered at the Eighth Summer School on Human Ethology, Charles University, Prague, 3-4 May.
2011 The architectural structuring of attention: Art galleries. Lecture given at the Conference on the Ethology of Art, Held by the Max Planck Work Group on Ethology and Art, Andechs, Germany, 4-6 February.
2012 The humanitarian costs of Western multiculturalism. Video: Speech to the Baku Humanitarian Forum, 5th October. Materials of the Baku International Humanitarian Forum. Baku.
2014 “Section 18C, multiculturalism and power”, essay in Quadrant Online: 28 March 2014.
Submitted/In preparation
• Hiram Caton (1936-2010): Pioneer of biosocial science.
• America’s Ethnic Hierarchy and Elite Mobilization, 1900-2000 (book).